Partners in Reaching the World for Jesus!
Your giving makes a difference! We believe that giving is one of the greatest joys we have in the Kingdom of God. We couldn’t do what we do without your faithfulness. Thank you for partnering with us to reach the World for Jesus. Learn more about where your gifts go when you give to MercyGate Church and to Kingdom Builders below.
Kingdom Builders
Who is a Kingdom Builder? YOU ARE! This is a community, open to all, built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to giving, over and above their tithes, to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders. God doesn’t use superstars to do this. He looks at His church and says, ‘Who has something I can use? Who has something they are willing to give? Who will step out of the boat and have some faith?’ He wants to use regular people like you & me.
How do you give to Kingdom builders? Check out the Partner With Us section above and click the giving button that applies to you. Then follow the prompts and click the drop down for "Kingdom Builders". It is that easy!
Kingdom Builders: Supporting Global, Local & Future Leaders all around the world!