The 3rd Annual Mercies Awards

March 19, 2023 6:30 - 8:30pm  |  MercyGate Church Auditorium

Roll out the Red Carpet…the Mercies are BACK!

The Mercies Awards honor our MercyGate Serve Teams and commemorate all that God has done in us and through us over the past year! We will be celebrating with awards for volunteers, ministry wins, testimonies, and so much more! This will be a special night as we come together to say thank you for not just attending the church, but for BEING the church!

  • Location: Worship Center
  • Attire: Semi-Formal
  • Dinner will be served.

This night is exclusive to those that currently serve at MercyGate in any capacity. Childcare (0yrs-6th grade) will be provided and children will be fed dinner, so please be sure to RSVP.

We can’t wait to enjoy this evening together!