Prophetic Rooms

October 24, 2024 7:00 - 9:00pm  |  MercyGate Church Auditorium

9627 Eagle Drive, Mont Belvieu, TX, USA

What are Prophetic Rooms?

Prophetic Rooms at MercyGate Church offers a safe place for anyone desiring personal face-to-face ministry. 1 Corinthians 14:3 tells us, “But the one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.” (NLT) Prophecy is a gift we receive from The Lord for the purpose of:

  • Edification: Biblically speaking, the word edify means to build someone up or bring strength to them.
  • Exhortation: Words that bring strong encouragement or urging—sometimes allowing us to move into something new.
  • Comfort: God’s heart is expressed through prophecy to ease emotional pain or bring freedom from constraints.

Prophecy, in its simplest form, means:  The ability to hear God’s words or receive His heart on behalf of someone else.

What should you expect?

You will walk into a warm and welcoming environment that has been covered in prayer and filled with the expectation that God will reveal Himself to you in a very powerful and personal way. You will receive personal time of ministry from a team of 2 or 3 people. Our teams are made up of our Church Staff and trained members of our prayer team.

When are Prophetic Rooms scheduled?

Prophetic Rooms are held on the 4th Thursday of every month (unless scheduled changes). The ministry time is from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm. Prophetic Rooms are held in the main sanctuary of MercyGate Church. There is no childcare for this event.

Do I need to sign up?

Yes, you must sign up for a prophetic session. We cannot accept ‘walk-ins’, and in order to receive a ministry, you must make an appointment using the signup button.

Click the following links for Prophetic Room testimonies:

Leah’s testimony

Jason’s testimony