God’s Favor: Part 3

God’s Favor: Part 3-Favor isn’t for you

Introduction:  We have been on this subject of Favor for a Couple of Weeks now…How you and I need it but also to realize it isn’t just for us…

Transition:  We have discussed a woman named Esther and how she pre-positioned herself to be in the right place at the right time to catch the eye of the King….

Our hero has gone from Peasant to Princess…from an outcast to now the Queen of a Whole Nations.

Est 4:14

14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion? AMP

We are living in days where God’s people need to be favored.  As I have said before we are not favored for our benefit but for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.

The Dreams I have in my heart demands that tithers in this house be Favored…

  • If you are favored and not a tither…I’ll rejoice with you just the same…it just doesn’t advance God’s Kingdom through this house…
  • But for tithers and Kingdom Builder givers…my prayer for you is that you find
    • Blessing
    • Promotion
    • Increase
    • Favor…patiality above and over another; a special regard shown toward another.
  1. Pre-positioned for Favor

Intro.  Have you ever heard, “He was in the right place and the right time.” That is the way it is in God’s kingdom.  God pre-positions you for His favor.

  • All things work together for the good of those CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE…
  • You are pre-positioned toward purpose and toward favor.
  • Now when I say Purpose in this sense…I am speaking of the Purpose of understanding “You have come to the Kingdom of God for such a time as this and for the very occasion to advance God’s Kingdom…
    • It doesn’t matter if you are a dad working in the plant.
    • A mom working as a schoolteacher.
    • A dad who is unemployed right now
    • A mom who has chosen the greatest career of staying home and raising kids…
    • We all have the same calling: Be a Worshipper of Christ and Advance His Kingdom.

Transition:  Let me introduce you to another woman who Positioned herself for favor out of a disaster…

  1. Moving in the Right Direction
    1. This Woman’s name is Ruth…
      1. Ruth was a Moabite who had married a Hebrew…due to a famine her husbands dies…so Ruth decides to return to Israel with her mother in law Naomi…because they had heard rumor that there was bread in the house of Israel…
      2. So Naomi finds this field…Naomi knows the Levitical Law that says…during reaping season you had to leave some corners of the fields for the poor…
      3. So Ruth goes out to a field who is owned by a Powerfully Influential and an affluent man named Boaz…
    2. Ruth is walking down the rows after the reapers have already gleaned the wheat and barley from those rows…
      1. She is picking up what is left…
      2. She is getting the left-overs so to speak
      3. But she is being faithful…
      4. Out of nowhere she catches the Eye of Boaz…
        1. Boaz begins to have a conversation about her that she doesn’t know anything about…
        2. God will begin to talk about you before He favors you…
        3. Oh I know you don’t see it yet…but God is whispering your name…
          1. You’re not hearing it because it’s for you and not to you…
        4. She hasn’t arrived yet…but she is MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION
          1. Tell Three People: You’re Moving in the Right direction!
          2. Oh, I haven’t made it yet, but I’m not where I was either….

Transition:  Sometimes you have to take 30 seconds and thank God…that you’re going the right way.

  1. Ruth 2:14-16

14 And at mealtime Boaz said to her, “Come here and eat some bread and dip your morsel in the wine.” So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed to her roasted grain. And she ate until she was satisfied, and she had some left over. 15 When she rose to glean, Boaz instructed his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. 16 And also pull out some from the bundles for her and leave it for her to glean (KJV says, Leave some Handful of Purpose), and do not rebuke her.” ESV

  1. Oh I could attempt to Eloquently tell you all about this situation and what is transpiring but I’d rather just tell you…
  2. The World says, “She sure was lucky…isn’t she just fortunate, wow she caught a real Break…”
  3. Can I just tell you…FAVOR AIN’T FAIR
    1. We don’t know why Boaz decided to Favor her…
    2. We just know He favored her…
    3. Tell Three People: Favor Ain’t Fair
  4. Have you ever been there…where all of sudden blessing just started happening…
    1. You’re doing the same things you’ve always done…but out of nowhere…Favor.
    2. People that didn’t even like you started blessing you…Favor.
  • Handful of Purpose
    1. Notice the handfuls of Favor are tied to Purpose…
    2. There is an ambilocal chord that has a direct hook up to Purpose.
      1. Part of your Purpose is to be a Worshipper…
      2. A Giver
      3. A Son or Daughter of God
      4. To be a Walking Living Upper Room
      5. Your Purpose is to Share the Gospel with Friends, family and coworkers…
        1. Now the gospel is good news…so when you share make sure it is good news.
      6. You are to be a Great Dad, A Loving Husband, and a Man of God…who prioritized God in your life…

Transition:  I’m telling you, step into these Purposes and You watch Favor Open Up Over Your Life…

Your Provision is in Your Purpose…So We have to be willing to Pick Up Both…Purpose and Favor…

  • Celebrate Favor
    1. Can I drop this here before I move to my next point…
      1. When you see someone experiencing the Favor of God…Celebrate with them…genuinely celebrate with them…
      2. Bless them…rejoice with them.
      3. Can I say this and you not think I’m being selfish…
        1. You want me to be blessed…
        2. You want me to flow in my gifts
        3. You want the spirit of Prophecy to rest on my life
        4. You want Jonna to be blessed…
        5. You want my finances blessed…
        6. You want Healing to flow in our lives, ministry and in this church
      4. Pastor why do I want that…because what you sit under you have access to!

Transition:  CELEBRATE FAVOR!!!!

  1. Common Thread of Ruth and Esther
    1. There is several threads that tie these powerhouse women together…that cause Favor to Flow in their lives…but I’m going to give you two and then close
    2. Obedience
      1. Ruth chose to leave her family, face hardship, uncertainty, and trust God not knowing what would happen to her.
      2. Esther chose to risk her life, confront the king, and trust God, even if it cost her her life.
      3. Obedience is direct rejection of complacency…
        1. Obedience moves you and me from Faith to Faith…
          1. It is the steps of faith…not knowing that moves us into our next
        2. Obedience positions you and me to go from Glory to Glory…
      4. Obedience Opens you to Favor…
        1. Ruth is gleaning in a field, God intends her to own…
          1. So the steps of faith open favor to her
        2. Esther is a peasant girl serving in a kingdom, that Favor will causer her to become the ruler of…

Transition:  You’ll never walk in Favor if you Don’t first walk in Obedience by Faith. These women move from Stewardship to Ownership…

  1. A king and a Boaz
    1. I know you think I forgot today was Father’s Day…but I saved the best for last…
    2. These two women of God were connected to Men whom God had favored…so much so they could bring a woman into their world and the favor on their lives would rest on the leading lady in their lives….
    3. Men you need Favor…
      1. Not for you…but for your wife.
        1. I love the picture I’m painting…Xerxes isn’t a believer but he is favored for God’s purposes…
        2. Boaz however is a Follower of Jehovah God…and is Favored for Generational Blessing….
        3. See Boaz has a son Named:
          1. Obed
          2. Obed produces Jesse
  • Jessed Produces a David
  1. Through David comes Jesus
  1. I can tell a good man based on the way his wife carries herself…
  2. I can tell a Favored man by the confidence his Wife has…
  1. Closing
    1. What do you have favor for this morning?
    2. “I’m afraid we have more faith in running out, that we do in running over!”
    3. I want you to live in Favor that Runs Over…
  • How many Women here this morning want your man to be Favored of God…?
  1. Men maybe you have come to the Kingdom for Such a Time as This…!




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